Einstein was the most brilliant man I've ever heard of. The things he came up with, the things he said, everything. The world owes so much to a man, not a lot of people had faith in the beginning. He was even able to inspire people hundreds of years after his life. Recently his words have inspired me with things that have been making me think about my own life recently...
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”- Einstein
I had a bad weekend. Friday, a huge group of people got together and we all went ice skating. My boyfriend had never done it before so I was so excited to see him do it, and hold his hand as he learned. He was dead set against it. Off and on things were good, then things got bad then back at forth.. Got in a fight with my best friend, and a huge fight with my boy friend, over his problems.
Saturday was a bad day, that turned into a bad night. After working 11 hours, with rude customers, I got off just wanting to relax with my boyfriend, then find out we are going to some party with a bunch of drunk high people.. Literally had to watch one of my good friends drive a bunch of pot heads while he had been drinking and I am the only one who tried to stop him.. Then one of my best friends got high for the first time, I could barely look at her.
Sunday was one crap storm after another, got in s huge fight with my mom over nothing but her not trusting the daughter she raised (whats new) then having to be late on top of that, I was in the weeds all morning.. I just shouldn't stay a float, I was heart broken all day.
Later that night I had to deal with a coe worker and his psychotic girl friends bull crap for like three hours which was ridiculous. It was just a bad weekend.
Today was just stress and immaturity and I can't wait for it to be over honest to god.
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