Okay well I just finished my essay to Coe College, the question asked me why humor is so important to have in life, and to give a personal experience, I figured this would fit into my blog.
Humor is one of the best things a person can have in their life. I believe this because I am a very humorous, goofy person. I love making people laugh, turning ones frown upside down you could say. I’ve been like that since I was a little girl. I just have realized that the more I laugh, and the more people around me I make smile, the easier life seems to be. I by no means have had an easy life; I believe that humor has gotten me through it.
When I was three years old, I got taken away from my birth mother. She didn’t take care of me, or do anything that a nurturing mother should. When I was taken away from her, I spent the next two years of life, being thrown from one foster family to the next, each one getting attached to, each one having to leave. During this crazy transition in my life, I went through eight different foster homes.
I remember once when I was four I was leaving one of my foster homes, and my foster mom started crying, and you have no idea how much I hate watching people cry, so I ran over and started dancing silly and making goofy faces, doing what ever I could to make her smile or laugh. It worked incase you were wondering. Even at a young age, I knew people, including myself were better off smiling as opposed to frowning or being sad. It’s just how I have always been.
Once I had turned five, the court asked my birth mother to give up parental rights of me so I could actually be adopted instead of being moved constantly. My mother replied that if I was put with a blood relative, and they consented to adopt me, she would give up her parental rights. Her request was granted. Of course at the age of five, I had no clue what was going on or what any of this meant, because every where I went there was a new mommy and daddy you know?
I then began my journey back to my first family. I was reunited with my birth mom’s brother, and his family. I remember what a big beautiful yellow house they had. I was so excited. Automatically I could have every one in the house laughing, whether it was exactly intentional or not. We had an amazing Weeping Willow tree in my front yard, I loved it. It was so pretty and unique, plus I had never seen one like it before, so I just thought it was amazing, something more then just an ordinary tree, I thought it had super powers or something you know; I was five, what can I say? Well anyways, I was talking to my aunt about what kind of tree it was, because like I said it was the first one of its kind to my knowledge, and she told me it was called a Weeping Willow. I automatically got very upset, and ran out the door to the front yard. I spent the next half hour or so sitting outside talking to the tree, dancing, telling it my favorite jokes ex: how do you make a tissue dance? You know-the basics. My uncle came out, asking me what I was doing, and I bursted out into tears. He got worried and asked me what happened thinking I must have gotten hurt of something, but no my dorky self was just upset that I couldn’t make the tree stop crying. This would be an example of unintentionally making people laugh.
Today I am in a different home. To be technical, it is my tenth. I got adopted again to, who I call my birth mom, even though by law she is not. I moved in with her the day after my seventh birthday, and have been here ever since. The journey to finally find a home was difficult, very bumpy, and not so pleasant. But I made it. Had I have not relied on myself to be happy, I don’t think I would have made it. I have used and needed humor forever; personally I think it has kept me as healthy as I am.
Today, I am known as a goof ball, a dork. I am the first person to start making weird faces, or start cracking jokes. I’m the girl who always has a song stuck in my head, and then in random moments when I am walking down the halls of Kennedy, and I just start busting out some crazy dance moves, plus I am the girl who will end up and does fall down flat on her face. This would be another unintentional moment of entertainment for others, but I always just get up, brush off, and laugh my butt off too. That’s just how I have always been.
I’m the one that can sense someone is not happy, and it really doesn’t matter whether I know them or not, I will go sit next to them, and tell them a joke, a funny story, or just do something or say anything random enough to crack a smile or a laugh. That’s who I am known as, and I hear it all the time. I get told by teachers, students, co-works, random people that I am like one of the happiest people they know. And honestly I totally love that feeling. It makes me smile. Because I love humor, it makes me laugh. Always has, it always will.
Humor is one of the best things a person can have in their life. I believe this because I am a very humorous, goofy person. I love making people laugh, turning ones frown upside down you could say. I’ve been like that since I was a little girl. I just have realized that the more I laugh, and the more people around me I make smile, the easier life seems to be. I by no means have had an easy life; I believe that humor has gotten me through it.
When I was three years old, I got taken away from my birth mother. She didn’t take care of me, or do anything that a nurturing mother should. When I was taken away from her, I spent the next two years of life, being thrown from one foster family to the next, each one getting attached to, each one having to leave. During this crazy transition in my life, I went through eight different foster homes.
I remember once when I was four I was leaving one of my foster homes, and my foster mom started crying, and you have no idea how much I hate watching people cry, so I ran over and started dancing silly and making goofy faces, doing what ever I could to make her smile or laugh. It worked incase you were wondering. Even at a young age, I knew people, including myself were better off smiling as opposed to frowning or being sad. It’s just how I have always been.
Once I had turned five, the court asked my birth mother to give up parental rights of me so I could actually be adopted instead of being moved constantly. My mother replied that if I was put with a blood relative, and they consented to adopt me, she would give up her parental rights. Her request was granted. Of course at the age of five, I had no clue what was going on or what any of this meant, because every where I went there was a new mommy and daddy you know?
I then began my journey back to my first family. I was reunited with my birth mom’s brother, and his family. I remember what a big beautiful yellow house they had. I was so excited. Automatically I could have every one in the house laughing, whether it was exactly intentional or not. We had an amazing Weeping Willow tree in my front yard, I loved it. It was so pretty and unique, plus I had never seen one like it before, so I just thought it was amazing, something more then just an ordinary tree, I thought it had super powers or something you know; I was five, what can I say? Well anyways, I was talking to my aunt about what kind of tree it was, because like I said it was the first one of its kind to my knowledge, and she told me it was called a Weeping Willow. I automatically got very upset, and ran out the door to the front yard. I spent the next half hour or so sitting outside talking to the tree, dancing, telling it my favorite jokes ex: how do you make a tissue dance? You know-the basics. My uncle came out, asking me what I was doing, and I bursted out into tears. He got worried and asked me what happened thinking I must have gotten hurt of something, but no my dorky self was just upset that I couldn’t make the tree stop crying. This would be an example of unintentionally making people laugh.
Today I am in a different home. To be technical, it is my tenth. I got adopted again to, who I call my birth mom, even though by law she is not. I moved in with her the day after my seventh birthday, and have been here ever since. The journey to finally find a home was difficult, very bumpy, and not so pleasant. But I made it. Had I have not relied on myself to be happy, I don’t think I would have made it. I have used and needed humor forever; personally I think it has kept me as healthy as I am.
Today, I am known as a goof ball, a dork. I am the first person to start making weird faces, or start cracking jokes. I’m the girl who always has a song stuck in my head, and then in random moments when I am walking down the halls of Kennedy, and I just start busting out some crazy dance moves, plus I am the girl who will end up and does fall down flat on her face. This would be another unintentional moment of entertainment for others, but I always just get up, brush off, and laugh my butt off too. That’s just how I have always been.
I’m the one that can sense someone is not happy, and it really doesn’t matter whether I know them or not, I will go sit next to them, and tell them a joke, a funny story, or just do something or say anything random enough to crack a smile or a laugh. That’s who I am known as, and I hear it all the time. I get told by teachers, students, co-works, random people that I am like one of the happiest people they know. And honestly I totally love that feeling. It makes me smile. Because I love humor, it makes me laugh. Always has, it always will.
1 comment:
That's a very interesting essay. A good answer to their question, for sure.
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