As of yesterday morning, our 44th president, is a black man by the names of Barack Obama, and our first lady is Michelle Obama. They have two beautiful little girls. This is the first person I have ever voted for, and I think he was a hell of a choice. I think his inauguration speech was amazing, but to be honest I have never not been impressed when I hear this man talk. I have so much respect for him, even though I don't like that he wants to keep the war going and relocate it, and his choice on vice president. Although I do like Biden, and I have nothing against him, I just don't like how the Hillary Clinton thing played out. But honestly, I wanted her as president, more then him. But I also do understand his reasoning. Honestly there really isn't anything bad I can say about him as a person, I just hope I'm not disappointed in him, but honestly he can never be worse then George W. Bush. I hate him with a passion to be honest.
I think he has a lot to fix in honestly half the time. A big fear I have right now, is that possibly him dying in office. All the good ones die in office, I see him making such a difference. He is a wonderful man, and to think of how racist people can be and are, it scares the hell out of me. Think of one of the reasons Lincoln was shot, as well as JFK? Its so dumb, and it truly scares me.
People have their own opnions, and of which they are completely allowed to. All I know is that Im very opinionated, Im very democratic, and people can't win when they politics to me. I know what I am talking about whenI open my mouth, most of the time.
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