Later that night around 8 Bethany picked me and Brittany up to take us to a bonfire at her boyfriend Rj's house. When we got there I just had a really long talk with Rj's family, and met everyone, and it was interesting. About 11 I started talking to Trask, til like 1 in the morning... First words out of his mouth were, "so you and Jake are together." I was confused how he of all people knew, since it happened like 5 hours before.... Ike told him. That kid kills me, every time we say anything to each other, Trask just has to update me on his life. Like everything I could have missed. Its ridiuclous. Long story short I ended up falling asleep in the camper with Brittany..
Now I could get into this whole thing more, but I have no time, and somethings are just too personal!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Waking up after prom

So I woke up about 1 and it was beautiful outside. And both Bethany and Brittany wanted me to hang out with them. So I ended up hanging out with Dustin and Brittany at Britt's for a grill out, where I fond out that Brittany lost Precious, cuz she opened the door, and Precious (the dog) ran out. I was very upset and went looking for her, but couldn't find her. And Jake told me he was going to come, but then when Brittany came and got me, he told me he couldn't come, I got really sad. So while I'm inside Brittany runs in and grabs me telling me she found Precious :) So she puts her hand over my eyes and leads me outside, and she was like look what she looks like, I was scared that she had been ran over or something. So we make it half way down the drive way, and Jake picked me up and swung me around in his arms... Scared the hell out of me! But I couldn't stop smiling, because I'm a loser. So we all hung out for a bit, then Jake had to leave at like seven.
He asked me to walk him to his car, and he like grabbed my hand, and said "do you remember last night when you told me to make a wish," and I said "yeah?" He was like, "okayy, so will you go out with me?" I said "yes." Then he was like, "Thanks for making my wish come true babe!" I couldn't stop smiling, then he hugged me, we did the kiss thing, and then he went on his way! Good times!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
An Amazing Night
So Saturday was amazing :) I got my hair done at 9 in the morning, and then went home, got on some face book, just chill until like 11, and then Ike called me, and I talked to him for like an hour, it was so funny he didn't want to go to prom with Brittnee at all. And he was dreading it so much. And then at like 12:15 or so I got ready, and Jake came got me at like 12:45... He looked gorgeous!!!! Like the second I opened the door, we both got the biggest smiles :) My flower was beautiful! So we got in his car, and went to Hy-Vee, and Keil wanted to see me so I switched into my sneakers and ran into see him quick. Then I went to his house and took some photos for his mom and then we stopped back at my house to grab my cash. After Taran called m e and told me to come over, so of course I did! Toni and Taran just told me how pretty I looked and talked to them with Jake for a bit. Then as we were leaving Charlie texted me asking me when he got to see me, so since we were on his street I was like right now, and so I stopped by his house, and Charlie, Alyssa and Will came out, and we all talked and had fun, then Alyssa left, and so Charlie and Will came over to my house, after the beat up Blue (the cat.) When I got to my house Bethany, Rj, Brandi, Alexa and Mitch, and Bethany's dad were already there, I laughed! Then we went out and took some super cute pictures, and then they all left. So I waited for Leah and Dallas with Will, Charlie and Jake. So they came and we took some cute pictures and hung out for a bit. Then we dropped Charlie and Will off, and headed to grand march with Bethany and Rj. We were like the 4th or 5th to go, and I lifted up my dress when we walked down, to show off the sneaks. We got a aloud applause followed by alot of laughs :) I am the kind of person that likes to be crazy, and not be average, and I loved my shoes! FOR SURE! After Bethany and Rj got done, we took pictures with his mom, and then took off to Elm Crest, where me and Jake took our pictures, and just chilled until everyone else got there so we could take our group picture. After it was dinner time.... Right after dinner Kayleigh stopped by to take pictures with me! Then we danced, I was so sore when left :p
After prom, we went to Bethany's moms house to get changed and sat down for a second. Then to Sonic, and just chilled where I fell asleep lol. But I made it to 11:11 where I notified Jake to make a wish (THIS PLAYS A BIG PART.) Then on the way to post prom we almost died. A car like majorly cut us off while it was trying to race Jake while he was doing about 80 down Edge wood. To save us and the car, he swerved into a median. I'm usually not scared in cars, even though I believe that I will die in a car, I've always had that feeling. But that got to me, I was more worried about Jake though, because he does have an anger problem. But he was so pissed, he was like shaking, and that's what scared me. He like completely changed. I felt terrible. We eventually made it to post prom where he took a deep breath in and tried to relax. We got in, and Leah and Dallas already had a bowling lane for us to join. So we all got settled, grabbed some food and just relaxed, 5 minutes after that, I won a digital camera :) woot woot! So I gave my old one to Rj! He was pretty excited lol. So then we bowled and ate food till 2 in the morning. Well then Justine showed up "feeling different" so I took the camera and went around the bowling alley taking pictures for year book, where Brooke grabbed me and gave me a hug telling me how sorry she was and hoping we could just be happy, and friends and everything, where I was like sure! Then they hypnotist started. It was so funny. Basically Ike ditched Michaela, Cody and Brittnee, came sat with us. Cody Lewis and Jake about killed Ike he was laughing so hard. Dez almost beat the crap out of basically everyone, and Jake and Cody were so obnoxious, I loved it :) So I made it home about 5, and then I fell asleep till one in the afternoon :) That was my amazing night!!
After prom, we went to Bethany's moms house to get changed and sat down for a second. Then to Sonic, and just chilled where I fell asleep lol. But I made it to 11:11 where I notified Jake to make a wish (THIS PLAYS A BIG PART.) Then on the way to post prom we almost died. A car like majorly cut us off while it was trying to race Jake while he was doing about 80 down Edge wood. To save us and the car, he swerved into a median. I'm usually not scared in cars, even though I believe that I will die in a car, I've always had that feeling. But that got to me, I was more worried about Jake though, because he does have an anger problem. But he was so pissed, he was like shaking, and that's what scared me. He like completely changed. I felt terrible. We eventually made it to post prom where he took a deep breath in and tried to relax. We got in, and Leah and Dallas already had a bowling lane for us to join. So we all got settled, grabbed some food and just relaxed, 5 minutes after that, I won a digital camera :) woot woot! So I gave my old one to Rj! He was pretty excited lol. So then we bowled and ate food till 2 in the morning. Well then Justine showed up "feeling different" so I took the camera and went around the bowling alley taking pictures for year book, where Brooke grabbed me and gave me a hug telling me how sorry she was and hoping we could just be happy, and friends and everything, where I was like sure! Then they hypnotist started. It was so funny. Basically Ike ditched Michaela, Cody and Brittnee, came sat with us. Cody Lewis and Jake about killed Ike he was laughing so hard. Dez almost beat the crap out of basically everyone, and Jake and Cody were so obnoxious, I loved it :) So I made it home about 5, and then I fell asleep till one in the afternoon :) That was my amazing night!!
Friday, May 15, 2009

Tomorrow is prom..omgoooosh :0 its almost here! I am so excited and nervous and just ugh I want it to come lol. At first it fet like it was taking forever to come, and now its come so quickly lol. Once I leave I'm gonna pick up my sneakers. The picture is not the best, but thats them and they really do look sick in person! For sure.
So this is m plans for today, leave here, go to the police station with my friend Mike to press charges aganist his ex-girl friend Emilky (WHO IS INSANE) and then pick up Charlie and Alyssa, and then meet Malorie at the mall. Get my shoes :) Then chill, and probablly tan, then I gotta pick Taran up at school at 3 and then take her home, meet up with Shelby at like 4, and then I work at 5:15, where I have to make $50 so I can get my hair done for prom tomorrow... Then Brittany wants me to go camping tonight when I get off in her back yard with her and Curtis in a camper, but I don't seeing that work out too well, seeing as how I need to be up at 8 the next morning so lol... We shall se what actually happens!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG PROM DUDE!!!
I am for sure so excited to see everyone done up and beautiful! Its like just abot to make my life and I hope its worth how much I've gone through to get to this point.
Thirsty Thursday...
Yesterday was alright, like I had a good afternoon, I picked up my cute little friend Miranda and we drove around, got something to eat and went to the mall. Honestly whenI first met her, I thought she was the most annoying thing I've ever met, and I told her that! But as time moves on, I get why she tries to make friends, and honestly she is such a freaking sweet heart and has such a huge heart its ridiculous, I just like her alot lol. Then we dropped her off, and went to pick up Taran, where I then had an hour conversation with her, that basically broke my heart. Taran is my family and I am so protective of her its ridiculous, I just cant even explain it. There was a situation with her and someone else, and thats all I can say. Well I made her tell Trask, becuase she made me promise not to tell him, beucase there re just somethings that will never change about me and him... And she told him, and he called me freaking out... It was a long conversation, this all happened while I was getting my nails done for prom lol.
Then I went to work, where I screwed up someone's bill, so they basically left without out paying a $42 bill... Which of course means that it came out of my pocket, so I walked away with two bucks at the end of the night. I was just in a bad mood, because I had so much on my mind, and then all this, it just ughh.. My night remotely got better, becuase towards the end of my shift, Jake randomly started texting me, and then out of no where I get the text, "I miss you." I had like a ten minute smile, not gonna lie. Then he kept telling me how much he wanted to see me, so the second I got off work, I drove to go see him, and out 5 minute thing, turned into like an hour something :) He was sick and sore and tired as hell, but he wouldn't let me leave!!! I loved it... FOR SURE! ba ha ha ha
And then when I got home I called Taran and talked to her for like and hour, and then I fell asleep.. It was an alright ending..
Then I went to work, where I screwed up someone's bill, so they basically left without out paying a $42 bill... Which of course means that it came out of my pocket, so I walked away with two bucks at the end of the night. I was just in a bad mood, because I had so much on my mind, and then all this, it just ughh.. My night remotely got better, becuase towards the end of my shift, Jake randomly started texting me, and then out of no where I get the text, "I miss you." I had like a ten minute smile, not gonna lie. Then he kept telling me how much he wanted to see me, so the second I got off work, I drove to go see him, and out 5 minute thing, turned into like an hour something :) He was sick and sore and tired as hell, but he wouldn't let me leave!!! I loved it... FOR SURE! ba ha ha ha
And then when I got home I called Taran and talked to her for like and hour, and then I fell asleep.. It was an alright ending..
Continuing the craziniess...
On top of the fun past few days, there are the simple things that annoy me... Like people who think they can talk to me, but can't.. Wednesday, I was feeling crappy, and Jake came over and hung out with me, and then I find out about all these girls who hit on him and talk to him all the time and when he denies them, they make up stuff about him and doing stuff with them... That's pretty annoying. Like the reason me and Jake broke up, were because girls from his past started calling me and made up crap about him to me. So when I told him about it, he freaked out, because he had previously had to deal with a situation like that, and it got way outta hand, and the girl was crazy.. So he ended it, before it would/could get to that point again.. And I really don't like hearing all this stuff about other girls, but I love that he is being honest about it. One more thing that makes him completely different from Trask.. And I really can't get mad at him, because guys hit on me too. Like way more then I realized, and I am a huge flirt, and I know Jake gets pissed when other guys try to talk to me or touch or hit me... So I kinda feel bad about the situation. So me and Jake had long talk, and we got into talking about my birth family, and why I have been acting odd lately which would go into that. and he felt so bad, and he just gave me like a 20 minute hug and just told e everything would be okayy.. And like something that has been on my mind is that I really don't want to see any of them especially on my prom night, but I can't tell Rj and Bethany that their families can't experience this moment with them, which is why Jake told me, that the second I feel uncomfortable, he will matturely take care of it, because no one or nothing will ruin this nihgt for me. This made me cry. Jake does not like it when I cry, at all. And then he left eventually and I just went on a walk and tried to think before I had to go to work. And thats all I remember about Wednesday...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Craziness.. those cats and dogs living together!

So the past week has been nothing less, but interesting. Sunday was great... after I got off work. I went to see Jake, and spent some amazing time with him. Then later that night me and Ike finally had a conversation, and me and him are finally on track again :) woot woot ya know!!! Monday I was having a darn good day, and later that night Trask popped into my head, and I hadn't talked to him in a while so I texted him saying"hey hope life is going good," and of course, he responds, "It is." I say "that's good" he says, "how about you?" I told him, "I am pretty darn happy right now actually." He said, "I'm glad." I said, "any thing new with you?" He then sent me a text Becca had sent him earlier saying that "I've never been happier with anyone.. that's new" I said "oh, did you send that to her?" He said, "no tiff, she sent that to me!" I said, well do you feel the same?" He then said, " idkk... I love her, and yeah, but earlier tonight she was looking at all my old pictures on face book of you and me, and she didn't like them, so I told her that I wanted to get rid of them I just don't know how, so then she showed me how to start untagging myself in them and did a bunch for me. Then when I got home, I looked through them all again, and then did the rest myself, and it was really hard. After I got done, Becca didn't feel special anymore." I had nothing to say..
why the hell does he say stuff like that to me?
He ended up calling me, and just updated me on his life, without end... Ughh it was making my stomach sick to be honest, and don't ask me why!! Tuesday was Mike's 20th birthday, damn he is getting old ;) And me and Brittany went out to eat at the Olive Garden with him. Where Bethany started talking to me about my birth family, because her boyfriend is my biological cousin, so he knows stuff about me.. I have six mixed brothers and sisters, and I just have to stop, it all really gets to me.. Then later on we picked up Taran and had some fun with my cute little Roo, then picked up Brittany's bike at Curtis's where we found the cutest dog ever, of which the owner let us keep, its like a mini Pomeranian-which goes for like $500. Then we drove it to Kennedy, to see Draik and Charlie, and Trask and Ike were playing keeper in his soccer game, I sat by Ty and Toni (his parents) and Ike's mom and Grandpa, and we were all talking then I realized that Becca was a couple of the stands away from me, wearing the sweat shirt I bought him, I chuckled. And then I had to leave, and Trask kept starring at me, and then when Toni realized everyone was talking shit about Becca she got up and went to talk to her ;) Then we took off and went to Curtis's where Brittany and I took "mr. all state wrestling champion," and I basically beat up Curtis. Then Jake picked me up, where I just sat there thinking about the whole "birth family thing." And he could instanly tell something was bothering me... He just thought it was him. And he got really upset.. Then we started talking about that where I got the text, "I'm sorry.. I just like you......ALOT!!!" And that he basically thinks he's not good enough for me, and that I am not interested in him, because he knows other guys like me. He doesn't get how much he means to me. I honestly didn't think I could look at another guy like I looked at Trask, but I do. Everytime I hear a love song, for once, Trask doesn't come into my mind. I get butterflies around him, he is always on my mind, when he hugs me, I never want to let go of him, he is like my ugh I don't even know... But I like it :) And then the night ended with Michaela ha ha ha.... Dumbie freaked out on me, and said some stupid stuff acting like her words hurt me!! But they don't, I'm done letting her or anyone else in my life hurt me. I dont deserve it. And that was my super fantastic Tuesday..
Not alot of time left..
So the clock is officially ticking.... The time is almost up and coming down on us. Seniors are ya ready? Because the real life is coming whether we want it to or not!! Its so weird to think that it was just 4 years ago we walked into school as FRESHMEN!! Its funny to remember those days, and see me now.
I was this super fat ugly gross looking girl, who didn't stand up to anyone, and didn't have the best people as friends. The only reason I wasn't a dirty was because I simply took showers. lol. And then today, trust me, I'm completely different. I now am the girl, that if you say something I don't like, I'm pretty blunt about it. I don't back down, you think your tough, I'll show you how weak you are. Sometimes my bark is bigger then my bite, until you force me to bring it out. Like I wont start something out of thin air for no reason, most of the time, I have one. Which is why I am hated by most. I'm honestly your best friend, or a huge problem for you. You disrespect me or loose my trust, your done. And it takes a lot for me to stop respecting someone. Which i why I basically say your screwed. I forgive anything, and when you show me I can trust you, I go all the way. if you find a way to loose that, then well I don't know what to tell you! Thinking about how much I've changed has just made me think of the people that I kicked out of my life, which is kind of frustrating me, which would explain me ranting like this.... But basically that's whats up!
I was this super fat ugly gross looking girl, who didn't stand up to anyone, and didn't have the best people as friends. The only reason I wasn't a dirty was because I simply took showers. lol. And then today, trust me, I'm completely different. I now am the girl, that if you say something I don't like, I'm pretty blunt about it. I don't back down, you think your tough, I'll show you how weak you are. Sometimes my bark is bigger then my bite, until you force me to bring it out. Like I wont start something out of thin air for no reason, most of the time, I have one. Which is why I am hated by most. I'm honestly your best friend, or a huge problem for you. You disrespect me or loose my trust, your done. And it takes a lot for me to stop respecting someone. Which i why I basically say your screwed. I forgive anything, and when you show me I can trust you, I go all the way. if you find a way to loose that, then well I don't know what to tell you! Thinking about how much I've changed has just made me think of the people that I kicked out of my life, which is kind of frustrating me, which would explain me ranting like this.... But basically that's whats up!
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